Add Floating Twitter or Facebook Logo on Website

The advantages of this method are :

It is compatible with all browsers.

It doesn’t use JavaScript at all.

Add this CSS code to your Website First.

#twitter-follow { border: 0;position: fixed;  top: 200px; right:0;}
```<br />
<br />
In the above code top: 200px; the distance from the top you can adjust it to suit your website.<br />
<br />
Now add the following code to your Website just after the <body>tag on skin- index.tpl file <br />
<br />
<div id="twitter-follow"> <a href=><img src="" alt="Follow Me on Twitter" /></a> </div>
```<br />
<br />
Replace my name with yours. Also if you need the image to be shown on left side just replace right:0; in the css code with  left:0;<br />
<br />
You will now have a Twitter Follow Me button in your website :)

can we see what it looks like on your site first ?

yeah demo is here