Add An Image To Product Layout With Hyperlink To Open Popup Demo Video


I want to add an image or text link into the product layout to open a popup window to display a demo video of a product.

Can someone help me with the code to do this, I would need to be able to control the size etc.


Promo text... Encode your html within that

You can add something like the following code:

Text you see as a link
Text in popup

(!) Important:

1. data-ca-target-id attribute of the 'a' tag should match the id of 'div' with content

2. div with content should have hidden in the class attribute.

You can add something like the following code:

Text you see as a link
Text in popup

(!) Important:

1. data-ca-target-id attribute of the 'a' tag should match the id of 'div' with content

2. div with content should have hidden in the class attribute.

Thanks everyone for your help, I have found a solution that works for me.

I put my video in a block and then created a product tab and checked it to open in a popup.

I then made a new product layout template and relocated the link for the tab to just above the "add to cart button"

This allows the client to add demo video's in the future without calling on me.



Greate solution!