A Potentially Delicate Problem..


Success!!! :mrgreen:

Thanks a Zillion Man!!!

This thread is a great example of the members on the forums going that extra mile to help newbies. I remember gettiing similar help like this from Struck, Jessee Tony and others.

Glad you got it fixed, I was eargerly reading this thread it like a bad soap opera, wondering whether the good guys were gonna overcome the bad guys… :grin: :grin:

John, Thanks!

This forum is a great place for help.

I'd also like to remind people it's a good source to find consultants, devs and “experts” for your store. While they may not be the cheapest, in the end you get what you pay for. And if you look around here you can easily see who is knowledgeable about CS and does good work.

Glad you got your issue fixed, MFD.

Thanks for the well wishes guys. I'd like to give another shout-out to Jeremy for saving my skin!

I initially contacted my web host with the problem and was promptly told that it wasn't a hosting issue so there was nothing they could do. You can imagine my horror when the tech support guy told me I'd have to turn to the very guy I was gonna fire to sort it out!

Ya know, maybe there is something to the whole “pay it forward” concept. I launched this site years ago to help others just starting out working with AutoCAD http://www.teachmeautocad.com/

Maybe someone who benefited from one of my videos will someday help Jeremy or someone he knows. Or maybe there will be a string of others involved before the circle becomes complete.

The bottom line is this… when one person can spend minutes and save another person days (or in my case, weeks!), why not?

That's always been my philosophy, and I'm happy to see that it's shared by many others in this forum.