A 'level' Add to Cart Button

I was wondering if anyone knew how to adjust this.

I have changed the layout in some ares of the site to ‘Products Grid’ 4 columns.

But the ADD TO CART button is not level in some listings when compared to each other?

I have altered the image to match the others, added to and removed the text in the header/title etc. In come cases adding to or removing some text works.

I have attached an image that explains it so much quicker.

In other cases the spacing in the Title is affecting the spacing of the listing.

EG From the image bellow (far right listing) if I combine ‘withballx25’ it works, but is not correct!

Is there a way to edit Styles.css to force the add to cart button to the bottom of the category listing, so they are all the same when viewed as a group?


As the product list page already uses tables for layout you could split the product details cell into 2 and put the title and the price in the top cell and the add to cart button and wishlist link in the bottom cell.

Make sure you set the the vertical align in the top cell to ‘top’.

Hope this helps

Thanks glyndon :slight_smile:

I’ll play with that and see how I go!