4.3.2 My Account Login

I am running 4.3.2 and when i click the standard out of the box my account i get the login and register links, the login is going to a popup

in earlier versions it was a page

i can't find where to change this to a page and not popup



It depends on the Enable secure connection for the storefront setting on the Settings -> Security settings page.

I have the full site with SSL since it was a new site and I wanted to take advantage of that option.

so are you saying because i have that, the login has to be a popup?


If you've forced https via Apache .htaccess or other external methods and don't have the cs-cart settings set for profiles to be https, then that might be confusing things.

Set the value of the setting to "Secure full site", clear the system cache and check the result. Popup window will be replaced with the link