3rd Party Json-Ld Markup Duplicate

This is for anyone who uses a 3rd party Json-Ld Markup add-on and you have duplicate markup because of the default CSC code.

There are a few 3rd party add-ons so I am not sure if the duplicate markup exists for all. I began using Simtechs add-on but since they are now encrypted, I no longer use it and do not know if this is an issue. I’m currently using ecom’s add-on and the duplicate markup is an issue.


{foreach $schema_org_markup_items as $markup_item}
    <script type="application/ld+json">
        {$pretty_print = 0}
        {if defined("DEVELOPMENT") && $smarty.const.DEVELOPMENT}
            {$pretty_print = constant("JSON_PRETTY_PRINT")}
        {json_encode($markup_item, $pretty_print) nofilter}
    {$is_json_schema_org_markup_displayed = true scope="root"}


{* {foreach $schema_org_markup_items as $markup_item}
    <script type="application/ld+json">
        {$pretty_print = 0}
        {if defined("DEVELOPMENT") && $smarty.const.DEVELOPMENT}
            {$pretty_print = constant("JSON_PRETTY_PRINT")}
        {json_encode($markup_item, $pretty_print) nofilter}
    {$is_json_schema_org_markup_displayed = true scope="root"}
{/foreach} *}