2.05 How to fix when you get 404 Page Not Found

I have installed the new version 2.05

This is what happens.

If someone types [COLOR=“Black”]mysite.com/silly/freak/123.htm[/COLOR]l or [COLOR=“Black”]mysite.com/silly/freak[/COLOR]

They will get a


Page Not Found

The page you have requested cannot be found.

* Go back

* [COLOR=“Blue”]Go to the homepage[/COLOR] ([COLOR=“Red”]When they click this link it sends them to [COLOR=“Black”]mysite.com/silly/freak/123.html[/COLOR][/COLOR]) And not [COLOR=“Green”]mysite.com[/COLOR]

And at the bottom it has my company logo and when they click on that link it will

send them back to the same link.

The point is this link does not exist and I would like to change the 404 page so when they get it it sends them to my store home page.

I started having this problem now that users are finding me on google and clicking on the google link that has mysite.com/store/catalog

I no longer use the catalog dir. So now when they click on Go to the home page it will send them still to the catalog dir

If you have 2.05 installed just try to type some random directory after your domain where your store is located and you will see what I mean.

I would add an index.html to the “catalog” directory and add a meta refresh to that index.html that refreshes to your store. You should also be able to that that with any Google links that give 404’s.

[quote name=‘ePlanetDesign’]I would add an index.html to the “catalog” directory and add a meta refresh to that index.html that refreshes to your store. You should also be able to that that with any Google links that give 404’s.[/QUOTE]

Ok fixed that by placing an index.html in that page. But how can we change what is displayed on the standard 404 error produced by cscart?

Take a look at skins/YOURSKIN/customer/exception.tpl


I have to say that I liked the 1.3.5 exceptions page a lot better. It looks better and encourages people to keep shopping. If I landed on the exceptions page (of v2) from outside, I’d ditch the site pretty quickly.

[quote name=‘CutRiteFX’]Ok fixed that by placing an index.html in that page. But how can we change what is displayed on the standard 404 error produced by cscart?[/quote]


I have the same problem with htaccess nad 404 rewrite rule.

I will send all links what doesn’t exist anymore to the home page (index.php).

I can’t disable the original 404 parsed site. Do you have any ideas how to switch it off?
