Email Template Smarty (If = Shop, Then Footer = This Color)

Got a small issue which I can't solve, the email templates are shared over all shops. Therefore the hardcoded colors in my template are used everywhere and that's just no good.

This could be solved in 2 ways, either the shops don't share the same email templates anymore.

Or I put an IF statement in the code.

Can anyone assist?

.message-footer > td {
padding: 10px 15px;
background-color: #2290db;
Should be
.message-footer > td {
padding: 10px 15px;
background-color: {% if shopid = 1 %} Color1 {% else %} Color2 {% endif %};

I lack the knowledge about the to be used variable for shopID and the way I should construct the statement.

Please try

background-color: {% if company_data.company_id = 1 %} red {% else %} green {% endif %};