Meta Description Length

With Google now allowing a longer description in the SERPS, the meta description box should allow for more characters than what is currently allowed. Cs-cart truncates the description if it is too long.

Can this be edited somewhere?

Cs-Cart should update the length in a future release so we can take advantage of the longer field. That doesn't mean Google will show our preferred description but we may as well populate it.

Change the database schema for cscart_product_descriptions.meta_description to be varchar([NEW SIZE]) rather than varchar(255). It's the DB that is truncating the field, not the application itself. [NEW SIZE] can be up to 65535 and storage is actually dynamic based on the data but data is truncated AFTER the specified length.

Awesome. Thank you very much!

Just because Google allows it doesn't mean they all do. Bing will complain if it's more than 160.

If CS-Cart is used, not Multi-Vendor please do not forget to update cscart_ult_product_descriptions.meta_description also