Help Addon Buy X Get X Free Product

hi i am developing an addon. when customers buy an product it will give free similar main product amount.

i dont want use promotions coz. its not promotion its routine procedure also promotions doesnt calculate amount.

anyway i build admin side product tabs, db and select one free product

used pre_add_to_cart hook


foreach ($free_products as $fp) {
            if (fn_check_free_promotion($fp['product_id']) == 'Y') {
                if (!isset($cart['products'][$p_id])) {

                    $cart['products'][$p_id]['product_id'] = $fp['product_id'];
                    $cart['products'][$p_id]['product_code'] = fn_get_product_code($fp['product_id']);
                    $cart['products'][$p_id]['product'] = fn_get_product_name($fp['product_id']);
                    $cart['products'][$p_id]['main_pair'] = fn_get_cart_product_icon($fp['product_id']);
                    $cart['products'][$p_id]['amount'] = $data['amount'];
                    $cart['products'][$p_id]['stored_price'] = 'Y';
                    $cart['products'][$p_id]['price'] = 0;
                    $cart['change_cart_products'] = true;

                } else {
                        $_initial_amount = empty($cart['products'][$p_id]['original_amount']) ? $cart['products'][$p_id]['amount'] : $cart['products'][$p_id]['original_amount'];
                        $cart['products'][$p_id]['amount'] = fn_check_amount_in_stock($fp['product_id'], (($update == false) ? 0 : $_initial_amount) + $data['amount'], $data['product_options'] = null, $p_id, (!empty($data['is_edp']) && $data['is_edp'] == 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'), 0, $cart, $update == true ? $p_id : 0);



its work when adding product adding free producs. also second adding updating amount.

also delete with delete_cart_product hook

problem is:

when re calculate cart. free products getting site price.

also how can i disable if free product in cart disable adding ?

and how can i disable free product qty changer ?

how can i fix this ?

thank you bosses


when re calculate cart. free products getting site price.

Check the "update" mode in the app/controllers/frontend/checkout.php file.

also how can i disable if free product in cart disable adding ?

This is not completely clear for me.

and how can i disable free product qty changer ?

If you mean cart page, you need this file: design/themes/responsive/templates/views/checkout/components/cart_items.tpl. You should have some parameter that determines free product, so check for it and disable the qty field.

also how can i disable if free product in cart disable adding ?

i want mean if free products in the cart it will disable adding standalone adding.

Good luck on the mod, it's about time someone came up with a "buy x get x free" addon.