Changing Product Code Font Details


Is it possible to change font type details in product code ?

If you check attached picture you can understand. I want to make some codes BOLD/RED COLOR and some BOLD/BLUE COLOR etc etc etc... So, code page will be more attractive...

Is this possible ?

* This company made code desing like that, i liked too much you can check...

Ekran Alıntısı.PNG

Go to the theme editor, choose Custom CSS.

div.ty-grid-list__item-name .product-title{
font-family:‘font name’

Go to the theme editor, choose Custom CSS.

div.ty-grid-list__item-name .product-title{
font-family:‘font name’

I mean, is it possible to change one by one ? I think not ? ....

I mean, is it possible to change one by one ? I think not ? ....

Unfortunately, it is not possible with CSS. But it can be done with javascript. Check examples in Google

For to make this font type "BOLD"... what code add to use ?

div.ty-grid-list__item-name .product-title{
font-family:'Open Sans'


For to make this font type "BOLD"... what code add to use ?

div.ty-grid-list__item-name .product-title{
font-family:'Open Sans'


Please use

div.ty-grid-list__item-name .product-title{
font-family:'font name'
font-weight: bold;

Please use

div.ty-grid-list__item-name .product-title{
font-family:'font name'
font-weight: bold;

I made this but nothing changed. Where i'm doing wrong i didnt understand ?Screenshot attached...

Ekran Alıntısı.PNG