Orderid Value In Block

We will add a block to order landing page. But we need to get total value and order id values too. Can we get these values by html ?

We will add a block to order landing page. But we need to get total value and order id values too. Can we get these values by html ?

Hello! You should use the following variables:


Hello! You should use the following variables:


that didn't work, we can do it in tpl , it doesn't work in block only

that didn't work, we can do it in tpl , it doesn't work in block only

Try to use this code before using variables in your block:

{assign var="order_info" value=$smarty.request.order_id|fn_get_order_info}

that didn't work, we can do it in tpl , it doesn't work in block only

It should work. Do you use HTML block with SMARTY support?

Won't work with standard html block. As Ecom states, using html with smarty is required to use smarty variables.

Yes it worked with SMARTY thanks.

@beencart @eComLabs @tbirseth

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