Main Style Sheet Overiding On Page Style - Some But Not All


This page has its own styling information in a HTML/Smarty block on page. Most of the rules work as they should but a few are being over ridden and I can't the reason why.

So its the 'Graded Mobile Product Pages'

Everything orange should be blue. For example, that add to cart button is in the on page style info as

.et-icon-atc.ty-btn.text-button {
background: #15a4de;
yet when the page loads its loading background: #ea5b21 from the main style sheet. Why is this happening?
Ful style info for that page;
.top-search .ty-search-magnifier {
background: #15a4de;
.top-menu-grid, .ty-menu__items {
background: #15a4de;
.top-menu-grid .ty-menu__item-active .ty-menu__item-link {
background: #95e5ff;
.tygh-header {
border-bottom: 1px solid #15a4de;
.tygh-top-panel {
border-bottom: 2px solid #15a4de;
.ty-breadcrumbs a, .ty-breadcrumbs a:visited, .ty-breadcrumbs a:active, .ty-breadcrumbs a:link {
color: #15a4de;
.et-icon-atc.ty-btn.text-button {
background: #15a4de;
.et-product-main-info .ty-tabs a, .et-quick-view-wrapper .ty-tabs a {
color: #15a4de !important;
.scrollbar-thumb {
background-color: #15a4de;
#scroll-up {
color: #15a4de;
.et-social a {
background: #9fe5ff;
.top-search .ty-search-magnifier {
background: #15a4de;
.et-icon-atc.ty-btn.text-button {
background: #15a4de !important;
.et-product-main-info .ty-tabs li, .et-quick-view-wrapper .ty-tabs li {
background: #9fe5ff;
.et-product-main-info .ty-tabs a, .et-quick-view-wrapper .ty-tabs a {
color: #15a4de;


This page has its own styling information in a HTML/Smarty block on page. Most of the rules work as they should but a few are being over ridden and I can't the reason why.

So its the 'Graded Mobile Product Pages'

Everything orange should be blue. For example, that add to cart button is in the on page style info as

.et-icon-atc.ty-btn.text-button {
background: #15a4de;
yet when the page loads its loading background: #ea5b21 from the main style sheet. Why is this happening?

Please double check styles format