Create New Page Which Incorporates Vendor Plans

I want to create a new page called "Become a Vendor" with some introductory text, then a block below that which will display the Vendor Plans for the user to choose. The "vendor plans" menu item is linked via companies.vendor_plans.

How do I do this?

At the top of the default vendor plans page you can see value of the vendor_plans.select_plan_text language variable

So you can just change this text on the Administration -> Languages -> Translation page

At the top of the default vendor plans page you can see value of the vendor_plans.select_plan_text language variable

So you can just change this text on the Administration -> Languages -> Translation page

Thanks, that's a quick way to change the intro text, but I was thinking about adding images and maybe a video too above the vendor plans.

Thanks, that's a quick way to change the intro text, but I was thinking about adding images and maybe a video too above the vendor plans.

You can add HTML tags to value of the language variable without any problem