How To Get Variation To Show Top Level Image Before Variation Is Selected


In the category pages and parent product page, how do I get the product to display top level image? See here

I notice at some point during the creation of a product, the Option Settings disappears. Variations needs a similar setting, to be able to set the variations to Sequential - so the the top level image is displayed and the options menu shows "Please, select one". Like this.

How do I do this?

This is the product I am working on currently


In the category pages and parent product page, how do I get the product to display top level image? See here

I notice at some point during the creation of a product, the Option Settings disappears. Variations needs a similar setting, to be able to set the variations to Sequential - so the the top level image is displayed and the options menu shows "Please, select one". Like this.

How do I do this?

This is the product I am working on currently

There is no way to do this.

The point is that on the category view you see all the properties of the first variation and thus it's main image. Parent product properties is more like a pattern for others.

You have got the variations system so wrong. Its pointless and complicated to use