Product Quantity


Is there any way so i can show the product quantity only for loged in users (usergroups) and not for visitors??




{if $show_product_amount && $product.is_edp != "Y" && $settings.General.inventory_tracking == "Y"}


{if $auth.user_id && $show_product_amount && $product.is_edp != "Y" && $settings.General.inventory_tracking == "Y"}

It is better to use the products:product_amount hook in this file

Do not forget to clear cache after the changes are done



{if $show_product_amount && $product.is_edp != "Y" && $settings.General.inventory_tracking == "Y"}


{if $auth.user_id && $show_product_amount && $product.is_edp != "Y" && $settings.General.inventory_tracking == "Y"}

It is better to use the products:product_amount hook in this file

Do not forget to clear cache after the changes are done

I tried to made this change but nothing happend, now somehow i can't display the product aviability for anyone, i also am not able to do changes related with the product aviability for example i have a product with quantity 0 and want to use the sign up for notification but i can't.

I have checked the show product aviability but i can not see how quantity i have in stock, from the frontend

Any idea about this?

I have cleared the cache after every change i made

Please PM me temporary FTP access, we will check it