Store Import 4.1.4 To Cs-Cart 4.4.2 - Mysql Error


Getting the following error when actualising data

Subquery returns more than 1 row (1242)REPLACE INTO store_import_settings_descriptions VALUES ((SELECT object_id FROM store_import_settings_objects WHERE name = 'test_mode'), 'O', 'en', 'Test mode', '')

any ideas?



I'm going to guess that it's missing a company_id condition/value in the query.

I'm going to guess that it's missing a company_id condition/value in the query.

Any idea on how to insert it? Or how to remove the check?

I've tried searching the PHP of the addon but no luck.

Just to note, this import did previously work before with no issues

You can change the query. I would suggest you send this info to the helpdesk and let them tell you how it should be resolved and then whatever fix they do might make it into some future version of store_import.