How To Display List Price, Old Price And Promotional Price On Product View And Category

At the moment when you create a promotion is CS Cart v 4.3.7. The List Price (MRP) Which was shown earlier on the product view page gets replaced with old price (old selling price) prior to the discount.

But I want it to display List Price, Selling Price & Additional Offer Discount. I am using Energo Themes VIVA SHOP

For example:
Product X has a list price of 100
we sell it for 80
We apply a limited time Promotion of 50% off and it gives us a sale price 40

So I want it to show list price = 100

Old Selling Price = 80

Promotional/Discounted Price = 40

Please help me out how can I achieve it and also let me know how can I show discount percentage beside the cut price. Thank you so much in advance.

Any help with this???

list price: {$product.list_price}

discounted price (if any): {$product.price}

old price: {$product.original_price}

list price: {$product.list_price}

discounted price (if any): {$product.price}

old price: {$product.original_price}

Which file or template please elaborate. Thanks.

I have just updated to cs-cart v 4.5.2 so please help according to the latest version. Thanks.

You would have to contact the theme vendor to identify where to add the information.

I have just updated to cs-cart v 4.5.2 so please help according to the latest version. Thanks.

usually all product data is processed in the following file


Can you provide the exact editing to be done. Below is the code in my product_data.tpl

{********************** Old Price *****************}
{capture name="old_price_`$obj_id`"}
    {if $show_price_values && $show_old_price}
            {hook name="products:old_price"}
            {if $}
                {if $details_page}{__("old_price")}: {/if}{include file="common/price.tpl" value=$product.original_price|default:$product.base_price span_id="old_price_`$obj_prefix``$obj_id`" class="ty-list-price ty-nowrap"}
            {elseif $product.list_discount}
                {if $details_page}{__("list_price")}: {/if}{include file="common/price.tpl" value=$product.list_price span_id="list_price_`$obj_prefix``$obj_id`" class="ty-list-price ty-nowrap"}
{if $no_capture}
    {assign var="capture_name" value="old_price_`$obj_id`"}
    {$smarty.capture.$capture_name nofilter}

{********************** Price *********************}
{capture name=“price_$obj_id”}

{if $show_price_values}
{if $show_price}
{hook name=“products:prices_block”}
{if $product.price|floatval || $product.zero_price_action == “P” || ($hide_add_to_cart_button == “Y” && $product.zero_price_action == “A”)}
{include file=“common/price.tpl” value=$product.price span_id=“discounted_price_$obj_prefix``$obj_id” class=“ty-price-num” live_editor_name=“product:price:{$product.product_id}” live_editor_phrase=$product.base_price}
{elseif $product.zero_price_action == “A” && $show_add_to_cart}
{assign var=“base_currency” value=$currencies[$smarty.const.CART_PRIMARY_CURRENCY]}

{if $base_currency.after != “Y”}{$base_currency.symbol nofilter}{/if}

{if $base_currency.after == “Y”}{$base_currency.symbol nofilter}{/if}

            {elseif $product.zero_price_action == "R"}
                {assign var="show_qty" value=false}
    {elseif $settings.General.allow_anonymous_shopping == "hide_price_and_add_to_cart" && !$auth.user_id}

{if $no_capture}
{assign var=“capture_name” value=“price_$obj_id”}
{$smarty.capture.$capture_name nofilter}

{******************* Clean Price ******************}
{capture name=“clean_price_$obj_id”}
{if $show_price_values && $show_clean_price && $settings.Appearance.show_prices_taxed_clean == “Y” && $product.taxed_price}

{if $product.clean_price != $product.taxed_price && $product.included_tax}
({include file=“common/price.tpl” value=$product.taxed_price span_id=“product_price_$obj_prefix``$obj_id” class=“ty-list-price ty-nowrap”} {(“inc_tax”)})
{elseif $product.clean_price != $product.taxed_price && !$product.included_tax}


{if $no_capture}
{assign var=“capture_name” value=“clean_price_$obj_id”}
{$smarty.capture.$capture_name nofilter}

{********************** You Save ******************}
{capture name=“list_discount_$obj_id”}
{if $show_price_values && $show_list_discount && $details_page}

{if $}
{(“you_save”)}: {include file=“common/price.tpl” value=$ span_id=“discount_value_$obj_prefix``$obj_id” class=“ty-list-price ty-nowrap”} ({$product.discount_prc}%)
{elseif $product.list_discount}
(“you_save”)}: {include file=“common/price.tpl” value=$product.list_discount span_id=“discount_value_$obj_prefix``$obj_id”} ({$product.list_discount_prc}%)


{if $no_capture}
{assign var=“capture_name” value=“list_discount_$obj_id”}
{$smarty.capture.$capture_name nofilter}

{************************************ Discount label ****************************}
{capture name=“discount_label_$obj_prefix``$obj_id”}
{if $product.list_discount_prc || $product.discount_prc}

{if $language_direction == ‘rtl’}
-%{if $product.list_discount_prc}{$product.list_discount_prc}{elseif $product.discount_prc}{$product.discount_prc}{/if}
-{if $product.list_discount_prc}{$product.list_discount_prc}{elseif $product.discount_prc}{$product.discount_prc}{/if}%

{if $no_capture}
{assign var=“capture_name” value=“discount_label_$obj_prefix``$obj_id”}
{$smarty.capture.$capture_name nofilter}

{capture name=“product_amount_$obj_id”}
{hook name=“products:product_amount”}
{if $show_product_amount && $product.is_edp != “Y” && $settings.General.inventory_tracking == “Y”}

{if !$product.hide_stock_info}
{if $settings.Appearance.in_stock_field == “Y”}
{if $product.tracking != “ProductTracking::DO_NOT_TRACK”|enum}
{if ($product_amount > 0 && $product_amount >= $product.min_qty) && $settings.General.inventory_tracking == “Y” || $details_page}
{if ($product_amount > 0 && $product_amount >= $product.min_qty) && $settings.General.inventory_tracking == “Y”}


{$product_amount} {

{elseif $settings.General.inventory_tracking == “Y” && $settings.General.allow_negative_amount != “Y”}


{if ((($product_amount > 0 && $product_amount >= $product.min_qty) || $product.tracking == “ProductTracking::DO_NOT_TRACK”|enum) && $settings.General.inventory_tracking == “Y” && $settings.General.allow_negative_amount != “Y”) || ($settings.General.inventory_tracking == “Y” && $settings.General.allow_negative_amount == “Y”)}


{elseif $details_page && ($product_amount <= 0 || $product_amount < $product.min_qty) && $settings.General.inventory_tracking == “Y” && $settings.General.allow_negative_amount != “Y”}



please help

please help

It can be done on the paid basis. If you are interested, feel free to contact us