Addon.xml Settings - How Do I Reliably Return The Url Of An Uploaded File?

Using the file setting in addon.xml allows users to upload a file/image/etc using the Elfinder.

How do we get the file as a URL, or at least a URi? Calling registry just returns the relative path to the file that doesnt include higher folders, and it varies on accuracy.

For example, after uploading an image at "/images/companies/2/img.jpg" while in "all stores" mode, the registry (setting) for this field is saved as "companies/2/img.png". This is because in all stores there is a higher starting root of "/images"

Now if i do the same thing but in a storefront instead of "all stores" mode, the Elfinder root is now "/images/companies/2/". Uploading the file still goes to "/images/companies/2/img.jpg", but now the registry (setting) for this field is saved as "img.png".

I dont think CS is doing image pairing for this type of upload, and i didnt see any "generate a url with this image" functions that dont require image/object type or id.

Its pretty easy to do something like this if the setting comes from specific store:

$image = Registry::get('config.current_location') . '/images/companies/' . $company_id . '/' . Registry::get('addons.something.image');

But its not very accurate if someone puts it rando in "all stores" mode (ie, setting an image in an addon for all storefronts). Any ideas?

Not normally a bumper, but i tried a few more things to no avail. Has no one ever ran into this in an addon "file" type option? I feel like there is a function im missing that translates a config path to URi. Or that elfinder doesnt "get it".

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How does Simtech add their name to all the plugins they develop? Which attribute in addon.xml is used for that?

This is section:



Best regards

Thank you..!!