Paypal Redirect Causes Browser Error

I use PayPal Express and PayPal Standard,

I had one customer report that their Firefox browser had a warning message about redirection and she had to manually accept the redirection. Both PayPal methods have customers redirected to

The order finally want through, but she still had one of those circles spinning on the checkout page that never went away.

This last order was using PayPal express.

I am sure this happened before and I probably lost sales because of this..

Was wondering how many others have this issue. I know there is a security setting in the browsers that turn the redirection error on and off, but I think its the default setting to have on.

Is this a common issue or just with few customer? Is there a way to fix on the cs-cart side?



a warning message about redirection

Redirection where? To which URL? Because PayPal use only https (secured connections).

Customer did not say, but since the message occurred as soon as she clicked PayPal express and then when she acepted the redirection, she went to PayPal and her order properly processed.


Customer did not say, but since the message occurred as soon as she clicked PayPal express and then when she acepted the redirection, she went to PayPal and her order properly processed.


Ok, then that means, it happens on your site.

Can you PM me the link of your site?

Thanks for the offer.

I am going to contact the customer first and find out exactly what she did and browser into.

I can't duplicate this warning, even if I check this in Firefox advanced options-accessibility:

Warn me when websites try to redirect or reload the page


You also might have specified http or https in your paypal configuration in your paypal account and it doesn't match the protocol in use on your site.