Uploaded Images Do Not Appear In Store Front


I have uploaded new images for existing products in the store via FTP. I can see the images in this path:


I have uploaded a CSV file for the images and regenerated the thumbnails and cleared the store cache.

Yet, I don't have the new images. I've looked over the kb documentation and I don't know why the old images remain on the store front. The old images were replaced with the new ones with the FTP upload.

The answer may be obvious but I re-read the help and I still can't see the new images.

Thank you for any assistance.

I am with cs cart for many years, never managed to import images successfully...

Well, Darius, that's not a good sign. I have 2K+ images.

I import images via csv all of the time without issue. Provide an example of your first 2 lines of the csv.

This is from my CSV file in Excel:

Product code Pair type Thumbnail Detailed image
ajp051 M /exim/backup/images/ajp051.JPG#{[en]:Katy: Diesels to the Gulf;}

Just upload detailed image and let the thumbnail generate itsself

Hi John,

Yes, I have done that, but the images are not updated in the store. They are in the file, though. I have cleared the cache.


I just use the Product import instead of Image import.

Product code Detailed image Language
ajp051 exim/backup/images/ajp051.JPG#{[en]:Katy: Diesels to the Gulf;} en

What if u got ~3gb images. Should they all be in single folder?

What if u got ~3gb images. Should they all be in single folder?


The Tool,

Do you use Excel? The KB talks about a text editor. I just looked at the files in cpanel, and I had many text files. Also, weird files such as: ajp051-jklmn.jpg which I don't have and didn't upload.

I'm wondering if using Excel is the problem. I'm going to try the Open Office spreadsheet and see what happens.

The Tool,

Do you use Excel? The KB talks about a text editor. I just looked at the files in cpanel, and I had many text files. Also, weird files such as: ajp051-jklmn.jpg which I don't have and didn't upload.

I'm wondering if using Excel is the problem. I'm going to try the Open Office spreadsheet and see what happens.

no excel is not a problem, I import thousands all the time, and as tool says, I use product import not image import, any issues, send me some paths an Ill try em

John, Thank you for your offer.

What is strange is that I am using my home computer with a large display to look at my website and the main product images are in PNG format (small) and the secondary images are JPG format (large) which has me confused.

I didn't look at the URL before and this is my consternation with the images.

If you can post the site link and the problem links,

I do the same as tool said mostly, I just import from the products import and not the images import.

Maybe upload to a seperate folder, say /images/new and then direct your .csv to that, only takes seconds with find and replace function


Hi John,

Here are some examples:



You can see the main image is a small size (PNG) and the secondary images is a larger (JPG) file.

I believe the software is recognizing my monitor as a HD device. My problem may be there.

Thanks to all for you comments.

HI Randy, on a side note

the images uploaded are quite large and should be optimised, I optimised the sample you gave me and it came from 400kb to 80kb.

And as you say my image editor recognised it as a .png with a .jpg extension. so it has changed somewhere along the line

I have seen problems reported on here before with the hdpi settings for images being switched on, you could check there.



So has the import path been solved now then ?


Hi John,

Well, things are really strange. So strange, I haven't tried a new folder for images yet.

I deleted all product images including thumbnails and detailed images via FileZilla. I uploaded new, compressed images with this handy (and free) software http://faststone.org/. In the images file after refreshing the thumbnails and website were images I didn't upload at all. Considering I deleted every product image, I can't figure out where they came from. I even went to File Manager in cPanel to see if anything was in there before uploading. No images were present.

My problems all started after I activated the HiDPI add-on. I already had a couple thousand images when I did this. My original images were 240-300 DPI JPG's. I downloaded them and then uploaded expecting my high resolution images would work with the add-on. Ugh! It has been a can of worms ever since.

I will try the product rather than image upload first before trying another folder. I have a number of alien images to seek out and delete before I move on.


Id be interested to see how it goes as I am considering using hidpi later when upgrading

Hi John,

I've decided against it. The images become much larger files as PNGs. Also, since I sell primarily books which are found under more than one category, I believe this is why I was getting strange filenames that I didn't upload. For example msb1521.jpg would be found under msb1521-xysd.jpg. I have no file by that name.
