Sequential And Product Option Exceptions


I am facing a problem and don't know if there is a solution for this.

Lets say that i have a product with 5 options.






I want the sequential type for the product so that the customer select the option variants one by one.

The problem is the following exception :

when a customer selects a specific variant in option 'C' he can't select any variant of option 'B'.

Then sequential option don't permit to select a variant from option 'E' cause he must select the previous one.

One solution is to change position of these tow option but its not that i need because this product is a guide for the customer to select the proper variants to replace his door lock with a new one based on the old one.

Any ideas welcome!


I am facing a problem and don't know if there is a solution for this.

Lets say that i have a product with 5 options.






I want the sequential type for the product so that the customer select the option variants one by one.

The problem is the following exception :

when a customer selects a specific variant in option 'C' he can't select any variant of option 'B'.

Then sequential option don't permit to select a variant from option 'E' cause he must select the previous one.

One solution is to change position of these tow option but its not that i need because this product is a guide for the customer to select the proper variants to replace his door lock with a new one based on the old one.

Any ideas welcome!

Sequential options work this way so it is unclear what the problem is. Could you clarify it in more details?

Sequential options should force you to choose a first then b then c etc in order.

are you saying you can choose c forst then b

Sorry my mistake.

This the right;

when a customer selects a specific variant in option ‘C’ he can’t select any variant of option ‘D’.

Sorry my mistake.
This the right;
when a customer selects a specific variant in option 'C' he can't select any variant of option 'D'.

If there is no available combination C+D your customer won't be able to select D. Sequential options work this way.

Sorry my mistake.
This the right;
when a customer selects a specific variant in option 'C' he can't select any variant of option 'D'.

Check the varient in C to make sure it has combinations

I understand thanks a lot.

Another solution is to make an option variant in “D” tha says “not necessary” so that he can proceed to next step.