Configuring Aws Amazon Cloudfront


Is there anyone available (paid) to help with configuring our aws amazon cloudfront ?

I have already created an account and yes by itself it is working okay except that we are not (yet) using the S3 bucket.


does anyone know if Redis is obsolete when you work with a CDN service ?


i hope there will be soon an article in the kb about how to do this properly...

i hope there will be soon an article in the kb about how to do this properly...

I sure hope so. But perhaps we in this CS Cart Community can help each other by collaborating what we know.

My biggest problem is that certain fonts (icons) are not loaded.

Font from origin has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Policy

an few solutions are offered here

but I at least was not able to resolve the issue.

I sure hope so. But perhaps we in this CS Cart Community can help each other by collaborating what we know.

My biggest problem is that certain fonts (icons) are not loaded.

Font from origin has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing Policy

an few solutions are offered here

but I at least was not able to resolve the issue.

While the following directive is set up in the .htaccess file of the store installation:

        Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is not sent. Please make sure that the mod_headers module is installed on the server. We recommend you to consult the server administrators regarding this point.

If you are using nginx, you should add the following to the nginx config:

location ~* \.(eot|ttf|woff|woff2)$ {
   add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;

While the following directive is set up in the .htaccess file of the store installation:

        Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is not sent. Please make sure that the mod_headers module is installed on the server. We recommend you to consult the server administrators regarding this point.

If you are using nginx, you should add the following to the nginx config:

location ~* \.(eot|ttf|woff|woff2)$ {
   add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *;

I am using NginX actually as front to Apache 2.4, however this last add to the nginx.config is actually not working (for me). Nginx fails to start.

And also very strange to me at least is that GT Metrix shows me that nothing is really pickup by the aws amazon cloudfront.



have you enabled the aws after the update...

check this

Please check that these settings have the following values:

Viewer Protocol Policy - HTTPS Only
Origin Protocol Policy - Match Viewer
Forward Query Strings - Yes
http port - 80
https port - 443

have you enabled the aws after the update...

check this

Please check that these settings have the following values:

Viewer Protocol Policy - HTTPS Only
Origin Protocol Policy - Match Viewer
Forward Query Strings - Yes
http port - 80
https port - 443

After what update Demeldoo ?

usualy the addon is configured first and then the checkobox needs to be selected to enable the aws

just wanted to to get the info if you have enabled the aws... completly

Yes it was enabled but I broken my store.

I went into the CDN settings in the admin panel of my store and put new security credentials that was given by aws amazon and then clicked enable in the back end of our store and then it broke completely.

How do I undo the enable CDN settings and get it back to normal ???

same way if you have the possibility to uncheck the box...

i faced such situation also. maybe you should contact your host to whitelist amazon robots...probably this is causing the issuse

same way if you have the possibility to uncheck the box...

i faced such situation also. maybe you should contact your host to whitelist amazon robots...probably this is causing the issuse

No I have no way of unchecking the box. I am screwed aren't I ?


No way I can uncheck the CDN enable box.


These darn CDN settings aren't they stored in the database and if so ... where ??


now I can uncheck but ... how to save these settings ??


usualy the addon is configured first and then the checkobox needs to be selected to enable the aws

just wanted to to get the info if you have enabled the aws... completly

Sure, I have enabled the aws completely. However come to think about it, at first i logged in my aws amazon account and clicked in the top right corner to the "security credentials" from which I then copied the "Access Keys (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key)" and put into the CDN settings of the admin panel in my CS Cart store.

Then I went back to my aws amazon console and create a new distribution

same way if you have the possibility to uncheck the box...

i faced such situation also. maybe you should contact your host to whitelist amazon robots...probably this is causing the issuse

Besides whitelisting what as my own host can I do ? where is it stored in the Database ??

try to change settings-object table is global field to N

but this is a guess only cscart_settings_objects


Thank you for thinking along. I contacted the CS Cart developers - user support and they offered me the following solution.

I had to go into the code of the config.local.php file at line 123

// CDN server backend
$config['cdn_backend'] = 'cloudfront';

// Storage options
$config[‘storage’] = array(
‘images’ => array(
‘prefix’ => ‘images’,
‘dir’ => $config[‘dir’][‘root’],
‘cdn’ => true
‘downloads’ => array(
‘prefix’ => ‘downloads’,
‘secured’ => true,
‘dir’ => $config[‘dir’][‘var’]
‘assets’ => array(
‘dir’ => & $config[‘dir’][‘cache_misc’],
‘prefix’ => ‘assets’,
‘cdn’ => true
‘custom_files’ => array(
‘dir’ => & $config[‘dir’][‘var’],
‘prefix’ => ‘custom_files’