New Banner Module - Get Banner Image File Path?


We are trying to extend the "original.tpl" banner design to put the images on the background of a div, opposed to images in a div.

How do we go about getting the image path from the image.tpl? The new banner tpl can get access to put the image on the page, but how do you get just the file path out of it?

for example:


Please try


Works perfectly, thank you very much! Two have us have been trying to figure that out for over an hour! :D

I can have a relaxing weekend now. Thank you again!


Works perfectly, thank you very much! Two have us have been trying to figure that out for over an hour! :D

I can have a relaxing weekend now. Thank you again!


You are welcome!

Hello, you can directly in the home page (index.tpl) call Banner and blog data

Hello, you can directly in the home page (index.tpl) call Banner and blog data

Can no one help me?