Theme Cloning Issue

I try cloning the default "Responsive theme: Modern" layout and while it's in "Processing" mode, it stalls out at...


Not sure why...any help would be appreciated.


At first please check server error logs

The error logs have been checked.

The FastCGI Timeouts (fastcgi_read_timeout, etc.) have been increased.

Theme will not automatically install after the aforementioned is accomplished. It still hangs. If I wait a few minutes and refresh the page, I get two "responsive" themes. If I manually change the name in the *json file it changes the created cloned theme from "responsive" to "coolbaby" but when I then try to activate one of them I always get a 500 server timeout page.

I've cloned the theme manually and updated the name in the *.json file. I go back to the backend theme page and try to activate one of the cloned styles under the "coolbaby" name and I get a 500 server timeout page.