Hide Product Fields From Vendor Panel

Dear great cs-cart experts

this question is most important for every cs-cart MV user

we are working on cs-cart multi vendor 4.3.4 for our website

we want to remove some filed from ''Add New Product' form '' of our vendors .

here they all filed :


so please any one know how we can remove it also please provide file we need to coding on it ,

& please provide code for this

Thanks in advance

For this go to your product controller at back end and comment following code

// $tabs['addons'] = array (
//     'title' => __('addons'),
//     'js' => true
// );

And replace

    // [Page sections]
    $tabs = array (
        'detailed' => array (
            'title' => __('general'),
            'js' => true
        'images' => array (
            'title' => __('images'),
            'js' => true
        'seo' => array(
            'title' => __('seo'),
            'js' => true
        'options' => array (
            'title' => __('options'),
            'js' => true
        'shippings' => array (
            'title' => __('shipping_properties'),
            'js' => true
        'qty_discounts' => array (
            'title' => __('qty_discounts'),
            'js' => true
    // [Page sections]
    $tabs = array (
        'detailed' => array (
            'title' => __('general'),
            'js' => true
        'images' => array (
            'title' => __('images'),
            'js' => true
        'options' => array (
            'title' => __('options'),
            'js' => true
        'shippings' => array (
            'title' => __('shipping_properties'),
            'js' => true
        'qty_discounts' => array (
            'title' => __('qty_discounts'),
            'js' => true

with this in mode add and update both..

Please note: In above code please use validation for user type.


if (user_type == 'V'){ Then only block view of seo, addons section }else{no changed}

otherwise admin will also not be able to view these both.

For more queries you can raise ticket at https://webkul.com/ticket/open.php

Feel free to ask any query. :-)

Thanks for help please provide location of this file in FTP need to replace code ??

also please provide full code need to replace with validation for user type

also we want to remove these option from vendors account please see & provide solution , These option only showing when a vendor add product check this out :


Please edit the following file:


or file in the corresponding module:

app/addons/MODULE/controllers/backend/products.pre.php or products.post.php

The correct code for checking vendor account is:
if (fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR') && !Registry::get('runtime.company_id')) {

Please edit the following file:


or file in the corresponding module:

app/addons/MODULE/controllers/backend/products.pre.php or products.post.php

The correct code for checking vendor account is:

if (fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR') && !Registry::get('runtime.company_id')) {

Dear great e com team

in app/controllers/backend/products.php

here the code

use Tygh\Enum\ProductTracking;
use Tygh\Registry;
use Tygh\BlockManager\SchemesManager;

if (!defined(‘BOOTSTRAP’)) { die(‘Access denied’); }

$_REQUEST[‘product_id’] = empty($_REQUEST[‘product_id’]) ? 0 : $_REQUEST[‘product_id’];

if (fn_allowed_for(‘MULTIVENDOR’)) {
if (
isset($_REQUEST[‘product_id’]) && !fn_company_products_check($_REQUEST[‘product_id’])
isset($_REQUEST[‘product_ids’]) && !fn_company_products_check($_REQUEST[‘product_ids’])
) {

$suffix = ‘’;

// Define trusted variables that shouldn't be stripped
fn_trusted_vars (

// Apply Global Option
if ($mode == 'apply_global_option') {
    if ($_REQUEST['global_option']['link'] == 'N') {
        fn_clone_product_options(0, $_REQUEST['product_id'], $_REQUEST['global_option']['id']);
    } else {
        db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:product_global_option_links (option_id, product_id) VALUES(?i, ?i)", $_REQUEST['global_option']['id'], $_REQUEST['product_id']);

        if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE')) {
            fn_ult_share_product_option($_REQUEST['global_option']['id'], $_REQUEST['product_id']);
    $suffix = ".update?product_id=$_REQUEST[product_id]";
// Create/update product
if ($mode == 'update') {
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['product_data']['product'])) {

        fn_companies_filter_company_product_categories($_REQUEST, $_REQUEST['product_data']);
        if (empty($_REQUEST['product_data']['category_ids'])) {
            fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('category_is_empty'));

            return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, !empty($_REQUEST['product_id']) ? 'products.update?product_id=' . $_REQUEST['product_id'] : 'products.add');
        } else {
            $_REQUEST['product_data']['category_ids'] = explode(',', $_REQUEST['product_data']['category_ids']);

        $product_id = fn_update_product($_REQUEST['product_data'], $_REQUEST['product_id'], DESCR_SL);

        if ($product_id === false) {
            // Some error occured

            return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, !empty($_REQUEST['product_id']) ? 'products.update?product_id=' . $_REQUEST['product_id'] : 'products.add');

    if (!empty($_REQUEST['product_id'])) {
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['add_users'])) {
            // Updating product subscribers
            $users = db_get_array("SELECT user_id, email FROM ?:users WHERE user_id IN (?n)", $_REQUEST['add_users']);

            if (!empty($users)) {
                foreach ($users as $user) {
                    $subscription_id = db_get_field("SELECT subscription_id FROM ?:product_subscriptions WHERE product_id = ?i AND email = ?s", $_REQUEST['product_id'], $user['email']);
                    if (empty($subscription_id)) {
                        $subscription_id = db_query("INSERT INTO ?:product_subscriptions ?e", array('product_id' => $_REQUEST['product_id'], 'user_id' => $user['user_id'], 'email' => $user['email']));
                    } else {
                        db_query("REPLACE INTO ?:product_subscriptions ?e", array('subscription_id' => $subscription_id, 'product_id' => $_REQUEST['product_id'], 'user_id' => $user['user_id'], 'email' => $user['email']));
            } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['add_users_email'])) {
                if (!db_get_field("SELECT subscription_id FROM ?:product_subscriptions WHERE product_id = ?i AND email = ?s", $_REQUEST['product_id'], $_REQUEST['add_users_email'])) {
                    db_query("INSERT INTO ?:product_subscriptions ?e", array('product_id' => $_REQUEST['product_id'], 'user_id' => 0, 'email' => $_REQUEST['add_users_email']));
                } else {
                    fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('warning_subscr_email_exists', array(
                        '[email]' => $_REQUEST['add_users_email']
        } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['subscriber_ids'])) {
            db_query("DELETE FROM ?:product_subscriptions WHERE subscription_id IN (?n)", $_REQUEST['subscriber_ids']);

        return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, 'products.update?product_id=' . $_REQUEST['product_id'] . '&selected_section=subscribers');

    if (!empty($product_id)) {
        $suffix = ".update?product_id=$product_id" . (!empty($_REQUEST['product_data']['block_id']) ? "&selected_block_id=" . $_REQUEST['product_data']['block_id'] : "");
    } else {
        $suffix = '.manage';


// Processing mulitple addition of new product elements
if ($mode == 'm_add') {

    if (is_array($_REQUEST['products_data'])) {
        $p_ids = array();
        foreach ($_REQUEST['products_data'] as $k => $v) {
            if (!empty($v['product']) && !empty($v['category_ids'])) {  // Checking for required fields for new product
                fn_companies_filter_company_product_categories($_REQUEST, $v);
                $p_id = fn_update_product($v);
                if (!empty($p_id)) {
                    $p_ids[] = $p_id;

        if (!empty($p_ids)) {
            fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('text_products_added'));
    $suffix = ".manage" . (empty($p_ids) ? "" : "?pid[]=" . implode('&pid[]=', $p_ids));

// Processing multiple updating of product elements
if ($mode == 'm_update') {
    // Update multiple products data
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['products_data'])) {

        if (fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR') && !fn_company_products_check(array_keys($_REQUEST['products_data']))) {
            return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_DENIED);

        // Update images
        fn_attach_image_pairs('product_main', 'product', 0, DESCR_SL);

        foreach ($_REQUEST['products_data'] as $k => $v) {
            if (!empty($v['product'])) { // Checking for required fields for new product

                if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE,MULTIVENDOR') && Registry::get('runtime.company_id')) {

                fn_companies_filter_company_product_categories($_REQUEST, $v);

                if (!empty($v['category_ids'])) {
                    $v['category_ids'] = explode(',', $v['category_ids']);

                fn_update_product($v, $k, DESCR_SL);

                // Updating products position in category
                if (isset($v['position']) && !empty($_REQUEST['category_id'])) {
                    db_query("UPDATE ?:products_categories SET position = ?i WHERE category_id = ?i AND product_id = ?i", $v['position'], $_REQUEST['category_id'], $k);
    $suffix = ".manage";

// Processing global updating of product elements

if ($mode == 'global_update') {


    $suffix = '.global_update';


// Override multiple products with the one value
if ($mode == 'm_override') {
    // Update multiple products data

    if (!empty($_SESSION['product_ids'])) {

        if (fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR') && !fn_company_products_check($_SESSION['product_ids'])) {
            return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_DENIED);

        $product_data = !empty($_REQUEST['override_products_data']) ? $_REQUEST['override_products_data'] : array();

        if (isset($product_data['avail_since'])) {
            $product_data['avail_since'] = fn_parse_date($product_data['avail_since']);
        if (isset($product_data['timestamp'])) {
            $product_data['timestamp'] = fn_parse_date($product_data['timestamp']);

        if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE,MULTIVENDOR') && Registry::get('runtime.company_id')) {

        fn_define('KEEP_UPLOADED_FILES', true);

        fn_companies_filter_company_product_categories($_REQUEST, $product_data);
        if (!empty($product_data['category_ids'])) {
            $product_data['category_ids'] = explode(',', $product_data['category_ids']);

        foreach ($_SESSION['product_ids'] as $_o => $p_id) {
            // Update product
            fn_update_product($product_data, $p_id, DESCR_SL);

// Processing deleting of multiple product elements
if ($mode == 'm_delete') {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['product_ids'])) {
        foreach ($_REQUEST['product_ids'] as $v) {
    fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('text_products_have_been_deleted'));
    $suffix = ".manage";

// Processing deleting of multiple product subscriptions
if ($mode == 'm_delete_subscr') {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['product_ids'])) {
        db_query("DELETE FROM ?:product_subscriptions WHERE product_id IN (?n)", $_REQUEST['product_ids']);
    $suffix = ".p_subscr";

// Processing clonning of multiple product elements
if ($mode == 'm_clone') {
    $p_ids = array();
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['product_ids'])) {
        foreach ($_REQUEST['product_ids'] as $v) {
            $pdata = fn_clone_product($v);
            $p_ids[] = $pdata['product_id'];

        fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('text_products_cloned'));
    $suffix = ".manage?pid[]=" . implode('&pid[]=', $p_ids);
    unset($_REQUEST['redirect_url'], $_REQUEST['page']); // force redirection

// Storing selected fields for using in m_update mode
if ($mode == 'store_selection') {

    if (!empty($_REQUEST['product_ids'])) {
        $_SESSION['product_ids'] = $_REQUEST['product_ids'];
        $_SESSION['selected_fields'] = $_REQUEST['selected_fields'];


        $suffix = ".m_update";
    } else {
        $suffix = ".manage";

// Add edp files to the product
if ($mode == 'update_file') {
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['product_file'])) {

        if (empty($_REQUEST['product_file']['folder_id'])) {
            $_REQUEST['product_file']['folder_id'] = null;
        $file_id = fn_update_product_file($_REQUEST['product_file'], $_REQUEST['file_id'], DESCR_SL);

    $suffix = ".update?product_id=$_REQUEST[product_id]";

// Add edp folder to the product
if ($mode == 'update_folder') {

    if (!empty($_REQUEST['product_file_folder'])) {
        $folder_id = fn_update_product_file_folder($_REQUEST['product_file_folder'], $_REQUEST['folder_id'], DESCR_SL);

    $suffix = ".update?product_id=$_REQUEST[product_id]";

if ($mode == 'export_range') {
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['product_ids'])) {
        if (empty($_SESSION['export_ranges'])) {
            $_SESSION['export_ranges'] = array();

        if (empty($_SESSION['export_ranges']['products'])) {
            $_SESSION['export_ranges']['products'] = array('pattern_id' => 'products');

        $_SESSION['export_ranges']['products']['data'] = array('product_id' => $_REQUEST['product_ids']);


        return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'exim.export?section=products&pattern_id=' . $_SESSION['export_ranges']['products']['pattern_id']);

// Delete product
if ($mode == 'delete') {

    if (!empty($_REQUEST['product_id'])) {
        $result = fn_delete_product($_REQUEST['product_id']);
        if ($result) {
            fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('text_product_has_been_deleted'));
        } else {
            return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'products.update?product_id=' . $_REQUEST['product_id']);

    return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'products.manage');


if ($mode == 'delete_subscr') {

    if (!empty($_REQUEST['product_id'])) {
        db_query("DELETE FROM ?:product_subscriptions WHERE product_id = ?i", $_REQUEST['product_id']);

    return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'products.p_subscr');

if ($mode == 'clone') {
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['product_id'])) {
        $pid = $_REQUEST['product_id'];
        $pdata = fn_clone_product($pid);
        if (!empty($pdata['product_id'])) {
            $pid = $pdata['product_id'];
            fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('text_product_cloned'));

        return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'products.update?product_id=' . $pid);

if ($mode == 'delete_file') {

    if (!empty($_REQUEST['file_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['product_id'])) {

        if (fn_delete_product_files($_REQUEST['file_id']) == false) {
            return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_DENIED);

        list($_files) = fn_get_product_files(array('product_id' => $_REQUEST['product_id']));
        list($_folder) = fn_get_product_file_folders(array('product_id' => $_REQUEST['product_id']));

        if (empty($_files) && empty($_folder)) {
            Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_id', $_REQUEST['product_id']);

    return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, fn_url('products.update?product_id=' . $_REQUEST['product_id'] . '&selected_section=files'));


if ($mode == 'delete_folder') {

    if (!empty($_REQUEST['folder_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['product_id'])) {

        if (fn_delete_product_file_folders($_REQUEST['folder_id'], $_REQUEST['product_id']) == false) {
            return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_DENIED);

        list($product_files) = fn_get_product_files(array('product_id' => $_REQUEST['product_id']));
        list($product_file_folders) = fn_get_product_file_folders( array('product_id' => $_REQUEST['product_id']) );
        $files_tree = fn_build_files_tree($product_file_folders, $product_files);

        Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_file_folders', $product_file_folders);
        Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_files', $product_files);
        Tygh::$app['view']->assign('files_tree', $files_tree);

        Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_id', $_REQUEST['product_id']);

    return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, fn_url('products.update?product_id=' . $_REQUEST['product_id'] . '&selected_section=files'));

return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, 'products' . $suffix);


// ‘Management’ page
if ($mode == ‘manage’ || $mode == ‘p_subscr’) {

$params = $_REQUEST;
$params['only_short_fields'] = true;
$params['extend'][] = 'companies';

if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE')) {
    $params['extend'][] = 'sharing';

if ($mode == 'p_subscr') {
    $params['get_subscribers'] = true;

list($products, $search) = fn_get_products($params, Registry::get('settings.Appearance.admin_products_per_page'), DESCR_SL);
fn_gather_additional_products_data($products, array('get_icon' => true, 'get_detailed' => true, 'get_options' => false, 'get_discounts' => false));

$page = $search['page'];
$valid_page = db_get_valid_page($page, $search['items_per_page'], $search['total_items']);

if ($page > $valid_page) {
    $_REQUEST['page'] = $valid_page;

    return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, Registry::get('config.current_url'));

Tygh::$app['view']->assign('products', $products);
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('search', $search);

if (!empty($_REQUEST['redirect_if_one']) && $search['total_items'] == 1) {
    return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'products.update?product_id=' . $products[0]['product_id']);

$selected_fields = fn_get_product_fields();

Tygh::$app['view']->assign('selected_fields', $selected_fields);
if (!fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE:FREE')) {
    $filter_params = array(
        'get_variants' => true,
        'short' => true
    list($filters) = fn_get_product_filters($filter_params);
    Tygh::$app['view']->assign('filter_items', $filters);

$feature_params = array(
    'plain' => true,
    'variants' => true,
    'exclude_group' => true,
    'exclude_filters' => true

// Preload variants selected at search form. They will be shown at AJAX variants loader as pre-selected.
if (!empty($_REQUEST['feature_variants'])) {
    $feature_params['variants_only'] = $_REQUEST['feature_variants'];

list($features, $features_search) = fn_get_product_features($feature_params, PRODUCT_FEATURES_THRESHOLD);

if ($features_search['total_items'] <= PRODUCT_FEATURES_THRESHOLD) {
    Tygh::$app['view']->assign('feature_items', $features);
} else {
    Tygh::$app['view']->assign('feature_items_too_many', true);

// ‘Add new product’ page
if ($mode == ‘add’) {

Tygh::$app['view']->assign('taxes', fn_get_taxes());

// [Page sections]
Registry::set('navigation.tabs', array (
    'detailed' => array (
        'title' => __('general'),
        'js' => true
    'images' => array (
        'title' => __('images'),
        'js' => true
    'seo' => array(
        'title' => __('seo'),
        'js' => true
    'qty_discounts' => array (
        'title' => __('qty_discounts'),
        'js' => true
    'addons' => array (
        'title' => __('addons'),
        'js' => true
// [/Page sections]

$product_data = fn_restore_post_data('product_data');
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_data', $product_data);

// ‘Multiple products addition’ page
} elseif ($mode == ‘m_add’) {

// ‘product update’ page
} elseif ($mode == ‘update’) {
$selected_section = (empty($_REQUEST[‘selected_section’]) ? ‘detailed’ : $_REQUEST[‘selected_section’]);

// Get current product data
$skip_company_condition = false;
if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE') && fn_ult_is_shared_product($_REQUEST['product_id']) == 'Y') {
    $skip_company_condition = true;

$product_data = fn_get_product_data($_REQUEST['product_id'], $auth, DESCR_SL, '', true, true, true, true, false, false, $skip_company_condition);

if (!empty($_REQUEST['deleted_subscription_id'])) {
    if (!Registry::get('runtime.company_id') || Registry::get('runtime.company_id') && $product_data['company_id'] == Registry::get('runtime.company_id')) {
        db_query("DELETE FROM ?:product_subscriptions WHERE subscription_id = ?i", $_REQUEST['deleted_subscription_id']);

if (empty($product_data)) {
    return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE);

list($product_features, $features_search) = fn_get_paginated_product_features(
    array('product_id' => $product_data['product_id']),
    $auth, $product_data,

Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_features', $product_features);
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('features_search', $features_search);

$taxes = fn_get_taxes();

if (fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR')) {
    // reload form (refresh categories list if vendor was changed)
    if (defined('AJAX_REQUEST') && !empty($_REQUEST['reload_form'])) {
        $company_id = isset($_REQUEST['product_data']['company_id']) ? $_REQUEST['product_data']['company_id'] : 0;
        $company_data = fn_get_company_data($company_id);
        if (!empty($company_data['categories'])) {
            $params = array (
                'simple' => false,
                'company_ids' => $company_id,
            list($cat_ids, ) = fn_get_categories($params);
            $cat_ids = array_keys($cat_ids);
            //Assign available category ids to be displayed after admin changes product owner.
            $product_data['category_ids'] = array_intersect($product_data['category_ids'], $cat_ids);
        //Assign received company_id to product data for the correct company categories to be displayed in the picker.
        $product_data['company_id'] = $company_id;
        Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_data', $product_data);

Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_data', $product_data);
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('taxes', $taxes);

$product_options = fn_get_product_options($_REQUEST['product_id'], DESCR_SL);

if (!empty($product_options)) {
    $has_inventory = false;
    foreach ($product_options as $p) {
        if ($p['inventory'] == 'Y') {
            $has_inventory = true;
    Tygh::$app['view']->assign('has_inventory', $has_inventory);
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_options', $product_options);
list($global_options) = fn_get_product_global_options();
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('global_options', $global_options);

// If the product is electronnicaly distributed, get the assigned files
list($product_files) = fn_get_product_files(array('product_id' => $_REQUEST['product_id']));
list($product_file_folders) = fn_get_product_file_folders( array('product_id' => $_REQUEST['product_id']) );
$files_tree = fn_build_files_tree($product_file_folders, $product_files);

$sharing_company_id = Registry::get('runtime.company_id')
    ? Registry::get('runtime.company_id')
    : $product_data['company_id'];

// Preview URL only exists for companies that have this product shared
if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE') && !in_array($sharing_company_id, $product_data['shared_between_companies'])
) {
    $preview_url = null;
} else {
    $preview_url = fn_get_preview_url(
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('view_uri', $preview_url);

Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_file_folders', $product_file_folders);
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_files', $product_files);
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('files_tree', $files_tree);

Tygh::$app['view']->assign('expand_all', true);

list($subscribers, $search) = fn_get_product_subscribers($_REQUEST, Registry::get('settings.Appearance.admin_elements_per_page'));
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_subscribers', $subscribers);
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_subscribers_search', $search);

// [Page sections]
$tabs = array (
    'detailed' => array (
        'title' => __('general'),
        'js' => true
    'images' => array (
        'title' => __('images'),
        'js' => true
    'seo' => array(
        'title' => __('seo'),
        'js' => true
    'options' => array (
        'title' => __('options'),
        'js' => true
    'shippings' => array (
        'title' => __('shipping_properties'),
        'js' => true
    'qty_discounts' => array (
        'title' => __('qty_discounts'),
        'js' => true

if (Registry::get('settings.General.enable_edp') == 'Y') {
    $tabs['files'] = array (
        'title' => __('sell_files'),
        'js' => true

$tabs['subscribers'] = array (
    'title' => __('subscribers'),
    'js' => true

$tabs['addons'] = array (
    'title' => __('addons'),
    'js' => true

// If we have some additional product fields, lets add a tab for them
if (!empty($product_features)) {
    $tabs['features'] = array(
        'title' => __('features'),
        'js' => true

// [Product tabs]
// block manager is disabled for vendors.
if (!(
    fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR') && Registry::get('runtime.company_id')
    fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE') && !Registry::get('runtime.company_id')
)) {
    $dynamic_object = SchemesManager::getDynamicObject($_REQUEST['dispatch'], AREA);
    if (!empty($dynamic_object)) {
        if (AREA == 'A' && Registry::get('runtime.mode') != 'add' && !empty($_REQUEST[$dynamic_object['key']])) {

            $params = array(
                'dynamic_object' => array(
                    'object_type' => $dynamic_object['object_type'],
                    'object_id' => $_REQUEST[$dynamic_object['key']]
                $dynamic_object['key'] => $_REQUEST[$dynamic_object['key']]

            $tabs['product_tabs'] = array(
                'title' => __('product_tabs'),
                'href' => 'tabs.manage_in_tab?' . http_build_query($params),
                'ajax' => true,
// [/Product tabs]
Registry::set('navigation.tabs', $tabs);
// [/Page sections]

// ‘Mulitple products updating’ page
} elseif ($mode == ‘m_update’) {

if (empty($_SESSION['product_ids']) || empty($_SESSION['selected_fields']) || empty($_SESSION['selected_fields']['object']) || $_SESSION['selected_fields']['object'] != 'product') {
    return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, 'products.manage');

$product_ids = $_SESSION['product_ids'];

if (fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR') && !fn_company_products_check($product_ids)) {

$selected_fields = $_SESSION['selected_fields'];

$field_groups = array (
    'A' => array ( // inputs
        'product' => 'products_data',
        'product_code' => 'products_data',
        'page_title' => 'products_data',

    'B' => array ( // short inputs
        'price' => 'products_data',
        'list_price' => 'products_data',
        'amount' => 'products_data',
        'min_qty' => 'products_data',
        'max_qty' => 'products_data',
        'weight' => 'products_data',
        'shipping_freight' => 'products_data',
        'box_height' => 'products_data',
        'box_length' => 'products_data',
        'box_width' => 'products_data',
        'min_items_in_box' => 'products_data',
        'max_items_in_box' => 'products_data',
        'qty_step' => 'products_data',
        'list_qty_count' => 'products_data',
        'popularity' => 'products_data'

    'C' => array ( // checkboxes
        'free_shipping' => 'products_data',
        'feature_comparison' => 'products_data'

    'D' => array ( // textareas
        'short_description' => 'products_data',
        'full_description' => 'products_data',
        'meta_keywords' => 'products_data',
        'meta_description' => 'products_data',
        'search_words' => 'products_data',
        'promo_text' => 'products_data',
    'T' => array( // dates
        'timestamp' => 'products_data',
        'avail_since' => 'products_data',
    'S' => array ( // selectboxes
        'out_of_stock_actions' => array (
            'name' => 'products_data',
            'variants' => array (
                'N' => 'none',
                'B' => 'buy_in_advance',
                'S' => 'sign_up_for_notification'
        'status' => array (
            'name' => 'products_data',
            'variants' => array (
                'A' => 'active',
                'D' => 'disabled',
                'H' => 'hidden'
        'tracking' => array (
            'name' => 'products_data',
            'variants' => array (
                ProductTracking::TRACK_WITH_OPTIONS => 'track_with_options',
                ProductTracking::TRACK_WITHOUT_OPTIONS => 'track_without_options',
                ProductTracking::DO_NOT_TRACK => 'dont_track'
        'zero_price_action' => array (
            'name' => 'products_data',
            'variants' => array (
                'R' => 'zpa_refuse',
                'P' => 'zpa_permit',
                'A' => 'zpa_ask_price'
    'E' => array ( // categories
        'categories' => 'products_data'
    'W' => array( // Product details layout
        'details_layout' => 'products_data'

if (Registry::get('settings.General.enable_edp') == 'Y') {
    $field_groups['C']['is_edp'] = 'products_data';
    $field_groups['C']['edp_shipping'] = 'products_data';

if (!fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE:FREE')) {
    $field_groups['L'] = array( // miltiple selectbox (localization)
        'localization' => array(
            'name' => 'localization'

$data = array_keys($selected_fields['data']);
$get_main_pair = false;
$get_taxes = false;
$get_features = false;

$fields2update = $data;

// Process fields that are not in products or product_descriptions tables
if (!empty($selected_fields['categories']) && $selected_fields['categories'] == 'Y') {
    $fields2update[] = 'categories';
if (!empty($selected_fields['main_pair']) && $selected_fields['main_pair'] == 'Y') {
    $get_main_pair = true;
    $fields2update[] = 'main_pair';
if (!empty($selected_fields['data']['taxes']) && $selected_fields['data']['taxes'] == 'Y') {
    Tygh::$app['view']->assign('taxes', fn_get_taxes());
    $fields2update[] = 'taxes';
    $get_taxes = true;
if (!empty($selected_fields['data']['features']) && $selected_fields['data']['features'] == 'Y') {
    $fields2update[] = 'features';
    $get_features = true;

    list($all_product_features, $all_features_search) = fn_get_paginated_product_features(array('over' => true), $auth, array(), DESCR_SL);

    Tygh::$app['view']->assign('all_product_features', $all_product_features);
    Tygh::$app['view']->assign('all_features_search', $all_features_search);

$product_features = array();
$features_search = array();
foreach ($product_ids as $value) {
    $products_data[$value] = fn_get_product_data($value, $auth, DESCR_SL, '?:products.*, ?:product_descriptions.*', false, $get_main_pair, $get_taxes, false, false, false, true);
    if ($get_features) {
        list($product_features[$value], $features_search[$value]) = fn_get_paginated_product_features(array('product_id' => $value), $auth, $products_data[$value], DESCR_SL);

Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_features', $product_features);
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('features_search', $features_search);

$filled_groups = array();
$field_names = array();

foreach ($fields2update as $k => $field) {
    if ($field == 'main_pair') {
        $desc = 'image_pair';
    } elseif ($field == 'tracking') {
        $desc = 'inventory';
    } elseif ($field == 'edp_shipping') {
        $desc = 'downloadable_shipping';
    } elseif ($field == 'is_edp') {
        $desc = 'downloadable';
    } elseif ($field == 'timestamp') {
        $desc = 'creation_date';
    } elseif ($field == 'categories') {
        $desc = 'categories';
    } elseif ($field == 'status') {
        $desc = 'status';
    } elseif ($field == 'avail_since') {
        $desc = 'available_since';
    } elseif ($field == 'min_qty') {
        $desc = 'min_order_qty';
    } elseif ($field == 'max_qty') {
        $desc = 'max_order_qty';
    } elseif ($field == 'qty_step') {
        $desc = 'quantity_step';
    } elseif ($field == 'list_qty_count') {
        $desc = 'list_quantity_count';
    } elseif ($field == 'usergroup_ids') {
        $desc = 'usergroups';
    } elseif ($field == 'details_layout') {
        $desc = 'product_details_view';
    } elseif ($field == 'max_items_in_box') {
        $desc = 'maximum_items_in_box';
    } elseif ($field == 'min_items_in_box') {
        $desc = 'minimum_items_in_box';
    } elseif ($field == 'amount') {
        $desc = 'quantity';
    } else {
        $desc = $field;

    if (!empty($field_groups['A'][$field])) {
        $filled_groups['A'][$field] = __($desc);
    } elseif (!empty($field_groups['B'][$field])) {
        $filled_groups['B'][$field] = __($desc);
    } elseif (!empty($field_groups['C'][$field])) {
        $filled_groups['C'][$field] = __($desc);
    } elseif (!empty($field_groups['D'][$field])) {
        $filled_groups['D'][$field] = __($desc);
    } elseif (!empty($field_groups['S'][$field])) {
        $filled_groups['S'][$field] = __($desc);
    } elseif (!empty($field_groups['T'][$field])) {
        $filled_groups['T'][$field] = __($desc);
    } elseif (!empty($field_groups['E'][$field])) {
        $filled_groups['E'][$field] = __($desc);
    } elseif (!empty($field_groups['L'][$field])) {
        $filled_groups['L'][$field] = __($desc);
    } elseif (!empty($field_groups['W'][$field])) {
        $filled_groups['W'][$field] = __($desc);

    $field_names[$field] = __($desc);

ksort($filled_groups, SORT_STRING);

Tygh::$app['view']->assign('field_groups', $field_groups);
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('filled_groups', $filled_groups);

Tygh::$app['view']->assign('field_names', $field_names);
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('products_data', $products_data);

} elseif ($mode == ‘get_file’) {

if (fn_get_product_file($_REQUEST['file_id'], !empty($_REQUEST['file_type'])) == false) {

} elseif ($mode == ‘update_file’) {

if (!empty($_REQUEST['product_id'])) {

    if (!empty($_REQUEST['file_id'])) {
        $params = array (
            'product_id' => $_REQUEST['product_id'],
            'file_ids' => $_REQUEST['file_id']

        list($product_files) = fn_get_product_files($params);
        $product_file = reset($product_files);
        $product_file['company_id'] = db_get_field('SELECT company_id FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i', $_REQUEST['product_id']);

        Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_file', $product_file);

    list($product_file_folders) = fn_get_product_file_folders(array('product_id' => $_REQUEST['product_id']));
    Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_file_folders', $product_file_folders);

    Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_id', $_REQUEST['product_id']);

} elseif ($mode == ‘update_folder’) {

if (!empty($_REQUEST['product_id'])) {

    if (!empty($_REQUEST['folder_id'])) {
        $params = array (
            'product_id' => $_REQUEST['product_id'],
            'folder_ids' => $_REQUEST['folder_id']

        list($product_file_folders) = fn_get_product_file_folders($params);
        $product_file_folder = reset($product_file_folders);
        $product_file_folder['company_id'] = db_get_field('SELECT company_id FROM ?:products WHERE product_id = ?i', $_REQUEST['product_id']);

        Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_file_folder', $product_file_folder);

    Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_id', $_REQUEST['product_id']);

} elseif ($mode == ‘get_features’) {

list($product_features, $features_search) = fn_get_paginated_product_features($_REQUEST, $auth, array(), DESCR_SL);

Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_features', $product_features);
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('features_search', $features_search);
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_id', $_REQUEST['product_id']);
if (!empty($_REQUEST['over'])) {
    Tygh::$app['view']->assign('over', $_REQUEST['over']);
if (!empty($_REQUEST['data_name'])) {
    Tygh::$app['view']->assign('data_name', $_REQUEST['data_name']);

if (!empty($_REQUEST['multiple'])) {
} else {


function fn_get_paginated_product_features($request, $auth, $product_data = array(), $lang_code = DESCR_SL)
$path = array();

if (!empty($request['over'])) {
    // get features for categories of selected products only
    $categories = db_get_fields("SELECT ?:categories.id_path FROM ?:products_categories LEFT JOIN ?:categories ON ?:categories.category_id = ?:products_categories.category_id WHERE product_id IN (?n)", $_SESSION['product_ids']);
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        $path = array_merge($path, explode('/', $category));
    $path = array_unique($path);

if (empty($product_data) && !empty($request['product_id'])) {
    $product_data = fn_get_product_data($request['product_id'], $auth, $lang_code, '', false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false);

if (!empty($product_data['product_id'])) {
    $path = !empty($product_data['main_category']) ? explode('/', db_get_field("SELECT id_path FROM ?:categories WHERE category_id = ?i", $product_data['main_category'])) : '';

    if (fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE')) {
        if ($product_data['shared_product'] == 'Y') {
            //we should get features for all categories, not only main
            $path = !empty($product_data['category_ids']) ? explode('/', implode('/', db_get_fields("SELECT id_path FROM ?:categories WHERE category_id IN (?a)", $product_data['category_ids']))) : '';

$_params = fn_array_merge($request, array(
    'category_ids' => $path,
    'product_company_id' => !empty($product_data['company_id']) ? $product_data['company_id'] : 0,
    'statuses' => array('A', 'H'),
    'variants' => true,
    'plain' => false,
    'display_on' => '',
    'existent_only' => false,
    'variants_selected_only' => false

return fn_get_product_features($_params, PRODUCT_FEATURES_THRESHOLD, $lang_code);


so hide above fields what code i need to replace ??

please provide codes for need to replace all above fields

We can make a modification according to your needs. If you are interested, please contact us and our managers will estimate the complexity of this task

Please any one help us hows hide these fields ???

Is there a module yet for this? We would like to hide some fields from vendors as well.

Is there a module yet for this? We would like to hide some fields from vendors as well.

I am afraid, there is no such a module on the marketplace

Is there a module yet for this? We would like to hide some fields from vendors as well.

We are also available at your service. Please feel free to contact us at support@webkul.com. We would be glad to help you.