What Wrong With This Forum ? Virus?

I’m scrolling down the new content page and it keeps trying to open a PDF file. The only reason it doesn’t is because I get a message “This PDF document might not be displayed correctly” Attached a screenshot.



If you using Firefox, it could be a problem in the browser


I’ve made that change and I wouldn’t be suprised if it was Firefox as the last few versions have been rubbish. But I’m not opening a PDF at all and it has never happened on other sites yet. Mind you I am using Windows 10 so anything could happen :-)

Well now it's trying to open in acrobat, here the link it's finding data:application/pdf,

If no one else is seeing this perhaps its a windows 10. Am I the only one using 10 and firefox ?

anway I can't use the forum till this stops so I'll be off for a while.

I'm on win 10 and don't have this problem, not in chrome and not in firefox or edge.

Only thing I can think of its file associations in your PC

I'm pretty sure it's Firefox. It's happening to me as well using 7. The dialog continually trys to pop up and every once in a while it succeeds stating to block or not.

I get it on my laptop (using FF) but not on my desktop (using FF). Both FF versions are the same and both run Windows 7/pro.

Kaspersky doesn't alert to a problem but it made me nervous enough to move to a different device.

When I saw it on my laptop I exited the forum and don't see it from any other site.

I do not see it on my tablet either (chrome).

Glad it's not just me then.

It may be the forum because I haven't noticed it anywhere else.?

Yes. Seems to only happen in Firefox. All OK in Edge, Chrome, and Safari.

My guess is a Firefox bug. Another good reason to stop using that old, outdated web browser :)

Hereby another confirmation, I also get it using latest FF on a Windows 8.1 laptop. Very strange…

It does look like a virus on this forum. Yesterday Mozilla Security Blog posted about it, and the source being a website in Russia (not cs-cart, but…)

An excerpt:


Yesterday morning, August 5, a Firefox user informed us that an advertisement on a news site in Russia was serving a Firefox exploit that searched for sensitive files and uploaded them to a server that appears to be in Ukraine. This morning Mozilla released security updates that fix the vulnerability. All Firefox users are urged to update to Firefox 39.0.3. The fix has also been shipped in Firefox ESR 38.1.1.

The vulnerability comes from the interaction of the mechanism that enforces JavaScript context separation (the “same origin policy”) and Firefox’s PDF Viewer. Mozilla products that don’t contain the PDF Viewer, such as Firefox for Android, are not vulnerable. The vulnerability does not enable the execution of arbitrary code but the exploit was able to inject a JavaScript payload into the local file context. This allowed it to search for and upload potentially sensitive local files…[/quote]

full story: [url=“Mozilla Security Blog -”]https://blog.mozilla.org/security/[/url]

As I had this ´Firefox tries to open PDF when visiting CS Cart forum´ problem and I use Firefox and now I´m seriously worried that my confidential info on the computer has been compromised… damn!

Seems to have been sorted now.

I was getting multiple issues. It was randomly downloading 0kb files from this site.

So how did the virus get on this forum?

Why is this forum software not updated to the latest version? Its still IPB3.3 while IPB 4 has been out for some time.

I'm still seeing the pop up even with 39.0.3.

I'm on 39.0.3 and it's fine, perhaps clear the cache ?

I´m now also on 39.0.3 and it´s fine with me.

Strange…it's not occurring today.

Same for me today