Help! Where Are My Category And Product Blocks?

I recently upgraded to v 4.3. My site was designed with a block in the header part of “All Pages” that I used for a banner image for each page. In the previous versions, I could edit any category or product and there was a tab called “Blocks” where I could go in and edit that block to change the banner image for just that category or product. For some reason that “Blocks” tab is not showing on any of the categories or products in admin since I upgraded, so I can’t edit blocks to change them for one specific category or page. What happened to that tab? Everything that I read makes it sound like the tab should still be there in v4.3. I am supposed to update that banner image for one of my categories tonight to be ready for tomorrow, and I can’t figure out how to do that! Any immediate help would be so appreciated.


The tab will be hidden if the All stores item is selected on the top left part of the page:

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Just select the corresponding store-front:

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I wish I could say that was the case, but it’s not :( I only have one store set up, and that store is selected at the top left corner (there isn’t even a choice for All Stores since I only have the one set up I guess). I just verified that I do have user priviledges to do everything as the administrator (which I was sure I did since I can do it from the Design menu, but I just thought of that in the middle of the night, that maybe my user privilges were set such that I couldn’t modify the layout via the Categories or Products pages).

I can’t think of anything else to check. My categories and products Edit pages look like your screen shot except the only two tabs I have are General and Views, I don’t have the Layout tab. What in the world could be going on??

Here's something weird though - in the tree on the left side when I am editing a category, right under the title “Categories”, it says “Vendor: XXX Company”, and then lists my categories under that. Similar to the way yours says “Store: Simtech”, but mine says “Vendor” and the name of my store. Do I have Vendors set up somewhere and that's making it so the layout can't be customized for Categories and pages?