Change Cart Color


where the cart background color be changed like this : (black bacground)…2ZHeDcxUjByUGc/


generally such changes can be made in CSS files from folders “design/themes/THEME/css” or in theme editor

particularly this theme not responsive/basic and minicart structure looks different so it is not possible to give any advice by screen shot.

if you need more detailed reply, please send site url

best regards,

WSA team

Please try to add the following code to the CSS section of the theme editor:

.top-cart-content {
background: black;
border-radius: 6px;

just bacis color change. … thanks ecom i now know which class to modify. … will try when i get to the PC

[quote name='demeldoo' timestamp='1430128263' post='212709']

just bacis color change. … thanks ecom i now know which class to modify. … will try when i get to the PC


Grey font does not look good on the black background. So most possible additional changes will be required. Please keep us updated.

yes… probably you have right…maybe white font is better looking…