Issue With Upgrade : Quantity Field Tips

Quantity field disappeared from product detail page for me after upgrade. I debugged and found out it was the hook…

[color=#555555]I tried to debug and found out it seems like it doesn't find quantity hook in design/themes/responsive/templates/common/product_data.tpl file.[/color]

[color=#555555]Snippet from the file - arrow shows that it fails in this condition… I [/color]CHANGED IT TO {hook name=“products:quantity”[color=#555555] and it worked. This will create issue with new upgrade…so you might want to change it if you face same issue.[/color]

[color=#555555]{capture name=“qty_$obj_id”}[/color]

[color=#555555]{hook name=“products:qty”} <------------------------------ issue is here, change it to quantity[/color]

[color=#555555]Refer my another thread on same[/color]
