How can i DISABLE scrollers in V4

how can i DISABLE scrollers in V4 ? i can’t see where, this is REALLY getting annoying,

not only is your scroller bugged but i can’t disable it…

some idiot in the coding dept put 19px instead of 190px somewhere i can’t override , unless using jquery css as it’s on the object

Use a different block template for the blocks which are using the Scroller and/or Carousel templates.

PS. I haven't yet found any CS-Cart styles which cannot be overridden.

i AM… in fact, im not using scrollers,

BUT now i see that if a product has multiple images it puts a scroller in the category page.

the normal grid not the list etc…

since theres a weird CSS setting on element (probably setted via javascript) i can't override as this one takes precedence…

now im trying to just SHOW normal IMAGE not the scroller on ITEM images in a CATEGORY view .

im running version 4 default…

Ah…now that makes sense once you explain exactly which 'scroller' you are talking about.

You will want to override the following template to customise the scroller:-


The height is not hardcoded, the height comes from your Thumbnail settings. The CSS is not set by Javascript or any other Javascript library. It's set by the class names as defined in the file above and the styling of these selectors in the relevant .css and/or .less file(s).

To disable the scroller altogether…



{include file="views/products/components/product_icon.tpl" product=$product show_gallery=true}

Set 'show_gallery' value to false. Clear site cache.

There are so many dynamic settings like this which are already defined as variables so it would be prudent for CS-Cart to have this "Disable product image carousel' option in the admin, but they don't. Sure there's got to be some reasoning behind it.,

yes further more, you cannot put both height and width (in thumnail) only one, so that imagemagick can reformat and keep scale etc…example…you have 600x400, if you put 200x200 in thumnail it will be difformed…you put width…OR height… but not both…so imagemagick's lib can rescale 3-1 in this example600 → 200400 → XX will be assigned value of 133.33 and your thumnail is ok…else it will be either STRETCHED, OR black bars etc if they even tought about this…so basically carousel NEEDS both height AND width…while cs-cart DOESNT for the rest… Bad coding ? or a simple mistake to assume that it will just work ;)again, not much testing was done…let me try your fix…works…now a mod…added {if $override_height} {assign var=“new_height” value=“190”}{else} {assign var=“new_height” value=$settings.Thumbnails.product_lists_thumbnail_height}{/if}top of design/themes/basic/templates/views/products/components/product_icon.tpl and modded to use the new var…{capture name=“main_icon”} {include file=“common/image.tpl” obj_id=$obj_id_prefix images=$product.main_pair image_width=$settings.Thumbnails.product_lists_thumbnail_width image_height=$new_height} {/capture}then in the grid_list.tpl {include file=“views/products/components/product_icon.tpl” product=$product show_gallery=true override_height=true }and test…no go…this crap still overrides at 19px… nowhere i can see where it comes up with 19px no where…


It's logical that if you resize something from 200x100 to 10x10, the scale cannot be kept. So that functionality is fine throughout CS-Cart.

I see nothing about 19px in the product image scrollers in a default install…

yep me neither anyhow i fixed

It would be prudent to post your solution to help others who may come across the same problem.