Hide Stock level and Product code in the store front


I would like to hide the Stock level in the store front. Has anyone done this and how?

I would also like to hide the Product Code in the store front (while using it in the backend). Any ideas?



[quote name=‘Ola’]Hi,

I would like to hide the Stock level in the store front. Has anyone done this and how?

I would also like to hide the Product Code in the store front (while using it in the backend). Any ideas?




Enable inventory tracking uncheck this and it will not show you inventory on products while users are in the store. As far as the product code. Not sure on that one.

To remove product code

The code is in


Comment out the following section


{if $show_sku}

{$lang.sku}: {$product.product_code}


You could also modify the file


and set show_sku to false there, i.e. change

```php {include file=“views/products/components/buy_now.tpl” product=$product but_role=“action” show_features=true show_sku=true hide_add_to_cart_button=$hide_add_to_cart_button} ```


```php {include file=“views/products/components/buy_now.tpl” product=$product but_role=“action” show_features=true show_sku=false hide_add_to_cart_button=$hide_add_to_cart_button} ```

Thanks very much all of you. all done now…:grin: