Benchmark - Apache Vs. Nginx

Hi can anyone share what code u use for nxing code i use before i add but cant work



Thanks for all

i don't think so

Yes, you can. PDO is an consistent interface you can use to connect to many database types. Take a look here:

Yes, you can. PDO is an consistent interface you can use to connect to many database types. Take a look here:

I thought mysqli was faster than pdo, So will it make any difference in overall speed if I move to postgresql using pdo?

How can we add in server? i setup this but cant work

How can we add in server? i setup this but cant work

If you don't succeed in installing it yourself, you might want to actually hire a third party to configure your server...

We've ran 5,000 concurrent users, and have handled 20 orders per minute at peak with CS-CART. We run our server on NGINX. Database has always been the bottleneck for us. Converting it to innodb was a big help.

Hi CartBooster... did you just convert all tables to innodb? I want to move our database to amazon RDS and it looks like converting it all to innodb is the only option, have you had any issues?