Alexbranding - Premium Cs-Cart Template Unitheme

Is it possible to toggle the products menu on mouse over rather than clicking?

From the template editor in the admin panel; I changed the scripts.pre.tpl of this line;

 $(document).on('click', '.cat-menu-vertical .ty-mainbox-title', function () {

I replaced "click" with "mouseover" and edited this file; topmenu_dropdown_ab__un_mwi.tpl

I replaced onlick with onmouseover. Cleaned the cache. Now I am checking the source code if my edits are live; yes they're live. But the menu still needs to be clicked to show up.

We will make a lesson how to make desired.

Maybe, we will include it as option in settings (if this can be possible)

any update for RTL?

any update for RTL?

Hi, we do not have assistants (native speaker) to fix all problems with RTL support (we need first client, that can say us, what is the best way, to show content in blocks).

If we will have arabian client, that will use theme, we will help him to adapt all needed styles and theme will have native rtl support in next releases.

Now we are working on new version UniTheme 1.5 release (it will be soon) - and we start to inform you about new features.

Meet new addon from UniTheme 1.5 - Search Motivation (will be free for all theme owners with active subscription period and new buyers).

Look for SEARCH field on our demo site

You can have differrent search phrases for different categories

EG for apparel -

for electronics -

Attract attention to new, hot products, brands, categories!
Manipulate the buyer's behavior
Inform non-standard
Do more viewing depth and more sales!

There is a bug in this theme that prevents it working correctly with PHP 7.1

In it's func.php file, line 110;

function fn_abt__unitheme_render_blocks(&$grid, &$block, $this, &$content){

There are two errors with this line.

1- $this is a preserved variable name and should never be used outside it's scope.

2- It's also never used in the function itself. So it's an obsolete parameter.

For a dirty fix I just renamed the parameter to something else; now it works. But it should be fixed permanently.

There is a bug in this theme that prevents it working correctly with PHP 7.1

In it's func.php file, line 110;

function fn_abt__unitheme_render_blocks(&$grid, &$block, $this, &$content){

There are two errors with this line.

1- $this is a preserved variable name and should never be used outside it's scope.

2- It's also never used in the function itself. So it's an obsolete parameter.

For a dirty fix I just renamed the parameter to something else; now it works. But it should be fixed permanently.

Fixed in new version (will be soon). Thank you for info.

Now we are working on new version UniTheme 1.5 release (it will be soon) - and we start to inform you about new features.

Meet new addon from UniTheme 1.5 - Search Motivation (will be free for all theme owners with active subscription period and new buyers).

Look for SEARCH field on our demo site

You can have differrent search phrases for different categories

EG for apparel -

for electronics -

Attract attention to new, hot products, brands, categories!
Manipulate the buyer's behavior
Inform non-standard
Do more viewing depth and more sales!

What about the upsell and crossell package? Will that also be included?

hi please check your email. @alexbranding


This video will help to understand how to manage main mega menu in UniTheme

this theme awesome... im waiting a new updated version 1.5 :D thanks for your help alex it this article you can see examples of html, used in our demo store for menu

Do you need some extra HTML for menu? Just send us interesting examples, and our technicals will integrate it in demo, if it is possible for our theme.

i didnt get any reply email from you in 2days :( there's a bug with your theme for categories

i didnt get any reply email from you in 2days :( there's a bug with your theme for categories

Hi, you did

a lot of response from me, and after from our support. But we are in release of new 1.5v. wich will be today.

And there are rules of support (we do not help by e-mail, use helpdesk).

So, you have spent points of support for questions, that really do not need our help, and now send e-mails :grin:

So ok, i will help you here

Every finded bug will be fixed free for UniTheme users. In your case its not a bug.

You are testing menu on a blank page (link removed per request) and say Bug (menu is cut off)

The menu is limited by the height of the page itself without content (just try with a non blank page, and you will see :grin: )

Is it a bug?

Sorry for a live show here.

i think its a bug. okay then. thanks

We present new 1.5 version of UniTheme

Full changelog you can find here

All clients can install new addon from package (goes free for all UniTheme owners) - Search motivation.

To get a license key go here (My account - Orders - needed order - Go to the installation of the addon (s))

How to update look here

How to add motivational block on product detailed page look here

How to update your color scheme file look here (to get newest code you need to do this, and you will have no style problems on your pages)

Hi Alex,

Can you enable Admin panel of your Demo installation? I'm having to go back and forth to test new stuff but they don't look like the ones you have on your website and there is no way to double check it except emailing you or opening a ticket.

Also, updating your theme given the bugs and issues of CS-Cart is always scary. We can take backup and CS-Cart had times to fail restore backups, we can copy files but they may not work when they are put in place. This is really not effective. Would you offer an upgrade service at a reasonable fee? That comes with your full guarantee that if anything fails, you will fix it.


hi alex.if you dont mind. may i know. how to make this line more closer to the top. because i want make it smaller for the top.

and how i can change the size for price, because the price size to big.

big thanks




Hi Alex,

Can you enable Admin panel of your Demo installation? I'm having to go back and forth to test new stuff but they don't look like the ones you have on your website and there is no way to double check it except emailing you or opening a ticket.

Also, updating your theme given the bugs and issues of CS-Cart is always scary. We can take backup and CS-Cart had times to fail restore backups, we can copy files but they may not work when they are put in place. This is really not effective. Would you offer an upgrade service at a reasonable fee? That comes with your full guarantee that if anything fails, you will fix it.



Yes we can make full update procedure for you (it costs 40$, 1hr). If you do all changes in a right way, it will be 40$. But if during update we will need to work with third party addons conflicts and customdevs it can cost more, than 1hr (sometimes it can cost even 5-10 hrs)

About new version - it is allways new theme (with changes in layouts and files) (so if to say in true - you need to reinstall theme anytime you are working with update, but to make it more easy to you, we have prepared articles how to.

Best scheme for updates is to have 2 stores (1 for dev - do full new installation of UniTheme on it, look how it works on it and do apdates) Do you need dev license? Please write from your order communication zone, we will provide you.

We a thinking about how to give to all clients demo admin panel but in a safe for us way (we have not good stuff with it)

hi alex.if you dont mind. may i know. how to make this line more closer to the top. because i want make it smaller for the top.

and how i can change the size for price, because the price size to big.

big thanks



Sorry, but you need to go to CS-Cart docs and look at theming lessons (UniTheme in 100% uses CS-Cart theming paradigm, do all in my changes addon).

In your case it is not theme settings - its customization (but this work needs some skills, that can not be described in how to).


Sorry, but you need to go to CS-Cart docs and look at theming lessons (UniTheme in 100% uses CS-Cart theming paradigm, do all in my changes addon).

In your case it is not theme settings - its customization (but this work needs some skills, that can not be described in how to).


Do you happen to know whether the buy together modification we talked about (making it all compatible with the theme and such) is still a thing, because I was kind of surprised not to see it in the package as you clearly stated that you would include it in the next release.

I will be glad to share my implementation with you, if that is what it takes.


Perhaps it would be a good thing if costumers could actually change the language of the store on their phones?